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オンラインショップ CATALOGUE STAMP REVENUE CANADIAN THE including STAMPS/野生生物保護切手を含むカナダの収入印紙カタログ CONSERVATION WILDLIFE 貨幣収集、切手収集
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2000年 147P 英語表記 部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。
This edition marks 31 years in the revenue stamp business. During this period revenues have gone from being collected by just a handful of collectors to thousands of collectors worldwide.
The spectacular engravings, designs and scarcity of many of the issues continue to intrigue more and more collectors. A record number of new additions and price changes will be found in this edition. PRICES IN THIS CATALOGUE ARE FOR F/VF UNDAMAGED REVENUES (without creases or other faults) and are the current retail prices of E. S. J. van Dam Ltd.
The numbering system in this catalogue automatically identifies each stamp by province, type of issue an the stamp's individual number within the issue.
(1) the number in brackets indicates the quantity of this stamp known to exist.
Prices are current retail prices for nice stamps in F/VF condition for the issue. Very Fine stamps will sell at a premium, while lesser quality copies sell for less.
Revenue stamps are usually punched, pen or crayon cancelled, punch perforated or have a combination of these cancellations as required by law.
Uncancelled revenues may occasionally have gum. Some were issued without gum.
This catalogue lists the basic issues and main varieties only. For more detailed listings please refer to the “ReveNews" c bulletins published by E. S. J. van Dam Ltd. These are available on a yearly subscription basis and will be provided FREE to regular active buyers, sample and subscription rates available directly from the author at the address below.
Our thanks to the many friends and collectors who have taken the time to report new varieties, issues, etc. In particular I would like to thank Bill Walton, M. Woike, Jim Lehr, Dr. Ian McTaggart Cowan, H. W. Lussey, J. J. Gaudio, D. Stover, Sandra Foss, Christopher Ryan, Joe Shelton, Robert Terry, Bob Arundale, Dave Hannay and many others. Sadly our good friend Wilmer C. Rockett passed away in 1998. He was one of the greatest promoters of Canadian revenues. He is greatly missed.
The author would very much like to hear from anyone with revenue items not listed in this catalogue. Please send photocopy and description with colour, etc. Tobacco, cigarette, etc. stamps are beyond the scope of this catalogue.