Preface. The Subject of Transport Phenomena. MOMENTUM TRANSPORT. Viscosity and the Mechanisms of Momentum Transport. Shell Momentum Balances and Velocity Distributions in Laminar Flow. The Equations of Change for Isothermal Systems. Velocity Distributions with More than One Independent Variable. Velocity Distributions in Turbulent Flow. Interphase Transport in Isothermal Systems. Macroscopic Balances for Isothermal Flow Systems. Polymeric Liquids. ENERGY TRANSPORT. Thermal Conductivity and the Mechanisms of Energy Transport. Shell Energy Balances and Temperature Distributions in Solids and Laminar Flow. The Equations of Change for Nonisothermal Systems. Temperature Distributions with More than One Independent Variable. Temperature Distributions in Turbulent Flow. Interphase Transport in Noniosthermal Systems. Macroscopic Balances for Nonisothermal Systems. Energy Transport by Radiation. MASS TRANSPORT. Diffusivity and the Mechanisms of Mass Transport. Concentration Distributions in Solids and Laminar Flow. Equations of Change for Multicomponent Systems. Concentration Distributions with More than One Independent Variable. Concentration Distributions in Turbulent Flow. Interphase Transport in Nonisothermal Mixtures. Macroscopic Balances for Multicomponent Systems. Other Mechanisms for Mass Transport. Postface. Appendix A: Vector and Tensor Notation. Appendix B: Fluxes and the Equations of Change. Appendix C: Mathematical Topics. Appendix D: The Kinetic Theory of Gases. Appendix E: Tables for Prediction of Transport Properties. Appendix F: Constants and Conversion Factors. Notation. Author Index. Subject Index.
Transport Phenomena second edition
The Subject of Transport Phenomena.
Viscosity and the Mechanisms of Momentum Transport.
Shell Momentum Balances and Velocity Distributions in Laminar Flow.
The Equations of Change for Isothermal Systems.
Velocity Distributions with More than One Independent Variable.
Velocity Distributions in Turbulent Flow.
Interphase Transport in Isothermal Systems.
Macroscopic Balances for Isothermal Flow Systems.
Polymeric Liquids.
Thermal Conductivity and the Mechanisms of Energy Transport.
Shell Energy Balances and Temperature Distributions in Solids and Laminar Flow.
The Equations of Change for Nonisothermal Systems.
Temperature Distributions with More than One Independent Variable.
Temperature Distributions in Turbulent Flow.
Interphase Transport in Noniosthermal Systems.
Macroscopic Balances for Nonisothermal Systems.
Energy Transport by Radiation.
Diffusivity and the Mechanisms of Mass Transport.
Concentration Distributions in Solids and Laminar Flow.
Equations of Change for Multicomponent Systems.
Concentration Distributions with More than One Independent Variable.
Concentration Distributions in Turbulent Flow.
Interphase Transport in Nonisothermal Mixtures.
Macroscopic Balances for Multicomponent Systems.
Other Mechanisms for Mass Transport.
Appendix A: Vector and Tensor Notation.
Appendix B: Fluxes and the Equations of Change.
Appendix C: Mathematical Topics.
Appendix D: The Kinetic Theory of Gases.
Appendix E: Tables for Prediction of Transport Properties.
Appendix F: Constants and Conversion Factors.
Author Index.
Subject Index.
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